Thursday, December 22, 2011

KulitkU dicakar Macam Bunyi Kertas Di Besak

Wah, today is ma wonderful day, actually not really, ma boss she mad at me today cuz of misunderstanding i just take the blame....  :( whatever! 
I got home and started to play with my cats,,,n yes do take picture of them. Wanted to release my tension so i play with them..... 

the first thing that they will do once you open their cage is eat the grass

Running Man StarT (Go Mickey Go)

Then come the sibling Brother on the left n sister on the right(Hitam n Dion) 

My Name is MIKO NOT MILO, OK!!!

Now, here come the sad story of today...huhuhuhuhuhu , i'm seriously happy playing with my cat.....but playing time is over so it's time for the cat welcome back to the cage...@.@ as always they do rebel you know? 
I end up having scar from the scratch from "Chokot". 1 of the kitten...
I don't own this picture.....heheheheheheheheheehhehe credit (
Even though i get scar, i still love my cats...@.@


  1. gago ehh dh pndy main camera... yeahh

  2. awk di tag sila tinggalkan komen di komen blog ryn

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